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Monday, April 25, 2011

April, 2011

The food  boxes and bag lunch distribution went well for the month of April.  We gave out 55 food boxes and 100 nutritional bag lunches along with clothing for women, men and children. We increased the food boxes by 5 for the month of April. With the increase in food boxes, we ran out and  had to say" no more" to a lot of people. Our goal is to reach 60 by the end of July.  In order to make this happen, we need your help through financial or non-perishable food item donations.

The Feed My Sheep Food Program  website is up and going.  Do check  it out.  the web address is: FeedMySheepFoodProgram.org.  You can make your donations through this website.  For a list of  non-perishable foods go to the website.  If you wish to drop off non-perishable food items, you may do so at Peoples Baptist Church, located at 8825 MacArthur Blvd on Tuesdays 6:30 -7:30 pm. or call 510-384-8604 to arrange a pickup.

Our next distribution will be May, 21, 2011, starting at 12:00 noon

 The Feed My Sheep Closet  need women, men, children clothing  that is  in good condition. Because we do not have ample storage space, please drop off your clothing on the day of our distribution  at 10:30 am. at  PBC -See Sis Velma Woods who in charge of the FMS closet.

S.H.A.R.E.S Card--Free Cash!  When you shop at Lucky and participating stores and use your S.H.A.R.E.S card, the Feed My Sheep Food Program earns 3% of your qualified purchases, which goes toward the increase of the food boxes.  Post your name and mailing address or call me and I will mail your card to you.

We also need volunteers-please sign up through the website.

Finally, for the month of November & December of this year, the program would like to give out: 500 turkeys for the month of November and 500 for the month of December.  If anyone knows of a foundation,  organization,  professional football or basketball player or individual to contacted,  let us know by posting the information on the blog in the comment section.

Please signup to be a friend on our Face Book page - we need some friends.
Post  a comment to let us know what you think of the website.

Well, this is all for now until next month.

Farewell and peace out, Faye Gabriel, Program Admin. for the Feed My Sheep Food Program.

August 1, 2011


The Feed My Sheep Food Program is still operating but at a different location. No doubt about it, the economic downturn is a major element in  the life of people .  Therefore, the Program is currently under  transition and transformation from its previous location to one that will provide an opportunity for growth. 
More people is the East Oakland and surrounding communities are needing more food, clothes and  some have special requests. In order to help meet the physical and service needs of the people  we serve, expansion of our food program is very much needed. Doing the transition period, monetary donations can only be accepted. Check the the blog for up-to- date information regarding the transtition.

Our distribution for April, May and June: 650 food boxes & 350 bag lunches

Use Your S.H.A.R.E. Card(there are still cards available)
When you shop at Lucky and participating stores and use your S.H.A.R.E.S. card, FMSFP earns 3% of your qualified purchases, which goes towards increasing our food boxes. Participating Stores: Food Maxx, S.Mart Foods, Save Mart Supermarkets
e-mail or send me your address and I will mail a card to you.

From our Photo Gallery:


Farewell and peace out, Faye Gabriel, Program Admin. for the Feed My Sheep Food Program.

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